Monday, July 20, 2009

The Fat Girl

This is a very interesting book because it talks about over weight and the saying,"Love has no size or weight."It talks about a girl that is severly over weighted (okay not that severly) and she falls in love with this boy whos name is Jeff.Now he is the main character of the book and the hot guy. He has a girfriend named Norma who he falls in love with in his first day of ceramics class.they get to know each other and they go out. Till the day he says something mean about Ella De Luca and she hears him by accident adn she gets mad and forgets her "pot"as Jeff would say.So Norma perrsures him to go and tell her he's sorry and give her pot.So he goes to her house gives her the pot and forgives im.So she invites them to her party and thats where it happens.If you want to know what happened and the rest and if you do reme,ber to not Spoil it for other people.NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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