Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my Ipod

My mom is going to get me a ipod and i am so excited cuz its going to be a touch screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On Saturday i went to a kind of stor and i got a PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

I LOVE IRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

..I LOVE IRON MAN!!!!!!!

I LOVE IRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

new book

Ms.Murphy i already chose a book and finished it and took an ar test it is named the "Fat Girl".

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

brain pop

i took a test in BrainPop for a video titled , "Digital Anamation". My score in the quiz i took is 10 out of 10!YES!!!!!!!! I just took another test called,"Blogging".I got another perfect score, 10 out of 10!!!AWESOMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Right now i took another test that is titled,"Online Saftey" and got 100%.It was real easy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Fat Girl

This is a very interesting book because it talks about over weight and the saying,"Love has no size or weight."It talks about a girl that is severly over weighted (okay not that severly) and she falls in love with this boy whos name is Jeff.Now he is the main character of the book and the hot guy. He has a girfriend named Norma who he falls in love with in his first day of ceramics class.they get to know each other and they go out. Till the day he says something mean about Ella De Luca and she hears him by accident adn she gets mad and forgets her "pot"as Jeff would say.So Norma perrsures him to go and tell her he's sorry and give her pot.So he goes to her house gives her the pot and forgives im.So she invites them to her party and thats where it happens.If you want to know what happened and the rest and if you do reme,ber to not Spoil it for other people.NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosa i also love your blog because whta you write is interesting. I hope you keep writing more.

Gina's Blog

Gina I love your blog because it is unique and different and i hope you keep up like that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This book is about a teenage sophomore in a alternative high school who prefers to call itself "JOURNEYS".Kristi Camicheal, the teenage sophomore, thinks everyone (nearly everyone) dislikes her because of who she is and her physical looks.But she begins to doubt about her phychic insights after learning long-held family secrets and some classmates' true feelings. Lets say like, Gusty Peterson who was always thinking she was sick but it turns out that he means something else Kristi couldn't understand until somewhere in the book she finds out.Now lets talk about Hildie Peterson, Gusty's sister and Krirsti's ex-bestfriend, she was and stiil is against Gsyt and Kristi going out.She is popular now and since then never hanged-out with Kristi.Then there is Jacob Flax a guy friend who is a wierd person to in my opinion and shocks you and Kristi too when you get to a piont in the book.There are more characters in this story but I don"t want to say them all becaus e to me these are the important ones. In my opinion this book is mixed with a lot of feeling/emotions like sadness, happiness, anger, dissapiontment, love, annnoyed,embarresed, and much more. I totally love this book it is awesome and people should totally read this book. Remember if you read it someone else wants to read, NO SPIOLERS!!!

by:Ashley Perez



